Prijava za izlaganje u galeriji Siva za 2022.godinu /Open Call for exhibitions in gallery Siva for 2022. (scroll down for English version)
rok/deadline 05th of September 2021
Galerija Siva poziva sve umjetnike i umjetnice, kustose i kustosice, umjetničke kolektive da se prijave na natječaj za izlaganje u 2022. godini.
Rok za prijavu je 05. rujan 2021. godine.
Prijaviti se možete na sljedećem linku:
Sve upite u vezi natječaja šaljite na:
Rok za prijavu je 05. rujan 2021. godine.
Prijaviti se možete na sljedećem linku:
Sve upite u vezi natječaja šaljite na:
Program galerije Siva zamišljen je kao prezentacijski, edukacijski i produkcijski – usko povezan sa svim stilovima ulične umjetnosti, dizajna, stripa, ilustracije i drugih područja vizualnih umjetnosti uz osnovni kriterij nekonvencionalnosti i nepripadanja mainstreamu.
Ono što razlikuje galeriju Siva od sličnih prostora i programa – smještaj su i osnivači. Smještena je u prostoru stare tvornice Medika koja je okupacijom (skvotiranjem) od strane subkulturnih kolektiva unutar Autonomnog kulturnog centra prenamijenjena u nezavisni kulturni centar. Centar funkcionira po uzoru na slične prostore u Europi, što podrazumijeva revitalizaciju napuštenih zgrada kako bi postale prostorima za rad i produkciju različitih umjetničkih i kulturnih kolektiva koji djeluju po uradi sam principu, s velikim udjelom volonterskog rada. Druga specifičnost proizlazi iz potrebe za stvaranjem prostora za rad i prezentaciju jedne subkulturne skupine – grafiti i street art umjetnika/ca koji su je oformili 2012. godine. Galerija Siva, iako nastala od strane jedne subkulturne skupine, nije programski ograničena, a cilj programa je i afirmacija umjetnika/ca koji stvaraju u različitim medijima, a koji/e nemaju prilike ili odbijaju izlagati u institucionaliziranim galerijama. Galerije danas pružaju jedan ustaljeni način funkcioniranja koji se nije mijenjao desetljećima, a u velikom broju tih galerija umjetnici postaju neprimjetni i zbog toga se nužno okreću sami sebi, samoorganiziraju se i stvaraju svoje autonomne prostore. Prostori koje institucije nude neafirmiranim umjetnicima/cama malobrojni su i rade strogu selekciju, tako da većina underground umjetnika nema prilike izlagati u njima. Iz tog razloga cilj nam je bio stvoriti galeriju namijenjenu svim školovanim umjetnicima/cama ali i amaterima/kama koji/e stvaraju i izražavaju se uličnom umjetnošću, stripom, ilustracijom, istražuju nove medije, bave se umjetničkim eksperimentom ili je njihov izričaj povezan s nekim od supkulturnih strujanja. Veliki dio programa nastaje uz poetiku uradi sam (DIY), gdje se uz vrlo mala financijska ulaganja realiziraju izložbe značajne za underground scenu, na čijim otvaranjima prisustvuje i nekoliko stotina ljudi. Program je zamišljen kao pomoć umjetnicima/cama u vidu galerije za izlaganje suvremene umjetnosti i nekonvencionalnih strujanja, te mjesta za domaću i međunarodnu kulturnu i subkulturnu razmjenu. Umjetnicima/cama je omogućena potpuna sloboda u postavu izložbe i mogućnosti od klasičnog postava do potpune transformacije cijele prostorije pomoću 3D kulisa, svjetla i boje.
Galerija Siva nudi:
– putne troškove za umjetnike/ce iz Hrvatske u iznosu troška prijevoza direktno vezanog za realizaciju programa, do 750 kn
– putne troškove za umjetnike/ce izvan Hrvatske u iznosu troška prijevoza direktno vezanog za realizaciju programa, do 300 eura
– djelomično pokrivanje troška produkcije izložbe (isključivo ukoliko se radi o novoj produkciji u okviru rezidencije)
– osigurane tehničke uvjete i podmirivanje troška potrebnih za tehničku realizaciju izložbe
– medijsku i marketinšku promociju
pokrivanje troška za promotivne materijale dokumentiranje izložbe
– putne troškove za umjetnike/ce iz Hrvatske u iznosu troška prijevoza direktno vezanog za realizaciju programa, do 750 kn
– putne troškove za umjetnike/ce izvan Hrvatske u iznosu troška prijevoza direktno vezanog za realizaciju programa, do 300 eura
– djelomično pokrivanje troška produkcije izložbe (isključivo ukoliko se radi o novoj produkciji u okviru rezidencije)
– osigurane tehničke uvjete i podmirivanje troška potrebnih za tehničku realizaciju izložbe
– medijsku i marketinšku promociju
pokrivanje troška za promotivne materijale dokumentiranje izložbe
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Gallery Siva invites artists, curators and artist collectives to apply to its open call for 2022.
The application deadline is September 05th 2021.
You can apply by filling out the form at the following
Gallery Siva invites artists, curators and artist collectives to apply to its open call for 2022.
The application deadline is September 05th 2021.
You can apply by filling out the form at the following
For all questions, please contact:
The program of gallery Siva is based on presentation, production and education – closely related with street art, graffiti art, design, comics, illustration and other fields of visual art with the main criteria being unconventionality and creating outside of the mainstream.
What distinguishes gallery Siva from other similar spaces and programs are its location and its founders. It is located inside of Medika – an old medical factory which was squatted by various subcultural collectives forming the Autonomous Cultural Centre, and was transformed into an independent cultural centre. The centre functions as various similar European spaces, by the principle of revitalization of abandoned venues with an aim of transforming them towards becoming spaces for production and work of various artistic and cultural collectives that act by do it yourself principles, and realized primarily by voluntary work. The second specificity arose from fulfilling the needs of one subcultural group – graffiti artists, who formed the gallery in 2012 – to create a space for work and presentations.
Even though one specific subcultural group formed it, gallery Siva does not have programmatic and conceptual restrictions – one of its main objectives is the affirmation of artists creating in various styles and media, as well as ones who do not have an opportunity, or refuse to, exhibit in institutional galleries. Conventional galleries providing an established mode of functioning, unchanged for decades, often render artists invisible, which results in them turning to themselves, by means of self-organizing and creating their own autonomous spaces. There isn’t enough space provided by institutions to unknown or young artists, while those who are oriented towards younger or not affirmed artists base their program on strict selection, blocking presentation opportunities for the majority of underground artists. For these reasons our goal was to create a gallery specifically oriented to both – institutionally educated and amateur artists creating street art, graffiti art, illustration, comics, researching new media, and dealing with artistic experiments and / or subcultural currents.
The majority of gallery Siva’s program is created and based in do it yourself (DIY) poetics, realizing exhibitions important for the underground scene as low-budget productions, but sometimes even with hundreds people attending the opening nights. The program is designed to provide support to artists in the form of a contemporary art gallery venue, and an unconventional Croatian and international cultural / subcultural exchange spot. The featured artists are free to exhibit in different formats – starting from a classical exhibition setup to a total transformation of the whole space by means of 3D scenery, light or paint.
Even though one specific subcultural group formed it, gallery Siva does not have programmatic and conceptual restrictions – one of its main objectives is the affirmation of artists creating in various styles and media, as well as ones who do not have an opportunity, or refuse to, exhibit in institutional galleries. Conventional galleries providing an established mode of functioning, unchanged for decades, often render artists invisible, which results in them turning to themselves, by means of self-organizing and creating their own autonomous spaces. There isn’t enough space provided by institutions to unknown or young artists, while those who are oriented towards younger or not affirmed artists base their program on strict selection, blocking presentation opportunities for the majority of underground artists. For these reasons our goal was to create a gallery specifically oriented to both – institutionally educated and amateur artists creating street art, graffiti art, illustration, comics, researching new media, and dealing with artistic experiments and / or subcultural currents.
The majority of gallery Siva’s program is created and based in do it yourself (DIY) poetics, realizing exhibitions important for the underground scene as low-budget productions, but sometimes even with hundreds people attending the opening nights. The program is designed to provide support to artists in the form of a contemporary art gallery venue, and an unconventional Croatian and international cultural / subcultural exchange spot. The featured artists are free to exhibit in different formats – starting from a classical exhibition setup to a total transformation of the whole space by means of 3D scenery, light or paint.
Gallery Siva offers:
– travel expenses for artists from Croatia, up to 100 euros directly related to the realization of the program
– travel expenses for international artists, up to 300 euros directly related to the realization of the program
– partial coverage of production expenses (only for new work produced at a residency)
– basic technical conditions and full coverage of technical expenses for an exhibition
– promotion and marketing support
– full expense coverage of promo materials
– documentation of exhibitio
Imaš nadopunu, ispravak, bolje fotke, galeriju / video / dojam? Klikni ovdje i javi nam! – travel expenses for artists from Croatia, up to 100 euros directly related to the realization of the program
– travel expenses for international artists, up to 300 euros directly related to the realization of the program
– partial coverage of production expenses (only for new work produced at a residency)
– basic technical conditions and full coverage of technical expenses for an exhibition
– promotion and marketing support
– full expense coverage of promo materials
– documentation of exhibitio