
In a collaboration between the Inquiry Inc.[2020] program and the hacklab01 project – we invite you to participate in the Pivilion production aimed towards organisations, collectives, independent curators, artists willing to share their culture projects, artist web archives and/or digital art by joining a decentralized continuous exhibition install of the #pivilion_dot_net* group exhibition.

Pivilion is an operating system built as FLOSS for low-budget hardware and a distributed internet network of independent arts hypermedia archives. Topics centering Pivilion are – inquiring on modes and ethos of digital (synthetic and digitized) arts; its distribution, licensing and commodification, precarity and production as well as the general materiality of digital art, digital (infra)structures, networking as opposed to anonymity, …

The aim of the Pivilion project in 2020 is to support the production of networked exhibitions, and to subsequently enable critical and practical upgrades to the current darknet of autonomous archives and digital art repos in Croatia, the Balkans and the SEE region.

Project participation applications are to be accepted until the end of 2020 and/or until meeting available project funding thresholds. Upon each application evaluation and acceptance – the Organizers are to ensure (A) basic production counselling and a symbolic artist fee for the Applicant (1000HRK total, including all transaction fees) to Applicants creating new web-based work *or* (B) the production and distribution of a web gallery including the Applicant’s work, free of charge, based on the Organizer’s network equipment.

To apply successfully, it’s necessary to deliver basic application info (biography, CV) and a short (narrative and visual) description of the project to be installed on the Pivilion system. The info needs to be sent to:


* The full current #pivilion_dot_net install is set up in a darknet web digital art system accessible via the Tor browser, at the link: pivilionumi6b3kg.onion/pavilion


#pivilion_dot_net is ran by Format C and AKC, financially supported by the “Kultura Nova” Foundation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Zagreb. The Pivilion project has been supported by Akademie Schloss Solitude, as part of the 2018 residency program. In 2019 the project took part in the decentralised digital art biennale – The Wrong and the exhibition program of the Scheier centre.

Imaš nadopunu, ispravak, bolje fotke, galeriju / video / dojam? Klikni ovdje i javi nam!
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