⬇️ENGLISH bellow⬇️
Josip Sršen, ime i lice ispred izdavačke kuće Barbatus je visoka stasa i još viših standarda kad su tiskana izdanja u pitanju. Nakon godina bavljenja stripom gdje se dokazao u ulogama autora, prevoditelja a pogotovo lektora, odlučio se baciti i u izdavačke vode. I to vrlo uspješno jer je prvi izdani strip, Vojna od Gorana Duplančića, planuo i doživio drugo te još i slovensko izdanje.
Zašto se odlučio baciti u izdavaštvo i koji su idući stripovi koje će izdati Barbatus, saznajte na tribini.
Sa Josipom razgovarati će Stipe Kalajžić!

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O festivalu:
OHOHO festival je prostor za kreativnost, stvaralaštvo, diskusiju i razmjenu suvremene strip i ulične umjetnosti umjetnika/ca koji/e stvaraju underground i alternativnu umjetnost prema DIY poetici. Fokus festivala je na recentnoj uličnoj umjetnosti i nezavisnom stripu, a festivalski eventi – crtačke/muralističke akcije, radionice, rezidencija, izložba i razgovori – usmjereni su svima zainteresiranima za medij nezavisnog plakata, grafike, ilustracije i stripa.
Festival nastaje u organizaciji AKC Attack, u suradnji sa Komikazama, a umjetnički ga oblikuju četvero hrvatskih umjetnika/ca – Lea Kralj Jager, Marko Dješka, Mario Miličić i Apolonija Lučić.
Su-organizatori: Filip Tomasov i Nadine Labib.
Autor vizualnoga identiteta ovogodišnjeg festivala je Matija Pisačić!
OHOHO 2022. financijski je podržan sredstvima Grada Zagreba i Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske.
Vidimo se u AKC Medika, 29.09 – 02.10.

Josip Sršen, the name and representative of the publishing house Barbatus, is of high stature and even higher standards when it comes to printed editions. After years of dealing with comics, he proved himself in the roles of author, translator, and especially proofreader, he got into publishing. And it was very successful because the first published comic, Vojna by Goran Duplančić, was a success and got a second and a Slovenian edition.
Why he decided to get himself into publishing and what are the next comics that will be published by Barbatus, find out at the forum.
Stipe Kalajžić will talk to Josip!

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About the festival:
The OHOHO festival is a space for creativity, creation, discussion and exchange of contemporary comics and street art by artists who create underground and alternative art according to DIY poetics. The focus of the festival is on recent street art and independent comics, and the festival events – drawing/mural activities, workshops, residencies, exhibitions, and talks – are aimed at everyone interested in the medium of independent posters, graphics, illustrations, and comics.
The festival is organized by AKC Attack, in cooperation with Komikaza, and is artistically shaped by four Croatian artists – Lea Kralj Jager, Marko Dješka, Mario Miličić and Apolonija Lučić.
Co-organizers: Filip Tomasov and Nadine Labib.
The author of the visual identity of this year’s festival is Matija Pisačić!
OHOHO 2022 is financially supported by the City of Zagreb and the Ministry of Culture and media of the Republic of Croatia.
See you at AKC Medika, 29.09 – 02.10

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