Carlota Berzal, Ricardo Mena Rosado (ESP): Lo quiero to 

(english below)

Rezidencija i radionica:
Carlota Berzal, Ricardo Mena Rosado (ES): “Lo Quiero To”
06. – 09. lipanj 2023. Filmski studio Medika, Pierottijeva 11
Prezentacija za javnost:
Nina Ćorić, Mitja Obed, Lara Horvat, Jelena Kalaica, Carlota Berzal, RIcardo Mena Rosado: “Lo Quiero To”

10. lipnja 2023. u 20:00 sati, Filmski studio Medika, Pierottijeva 11

SubScena za kazalište, izvedbene umjetnosti i ostale hibride vas poziva da se pridružite na besplatnoj radionici Carlote Berzal i Ricarda Mena od 06. do 09. lipnja s prezentacijom za javnost 10. lipnja u 20:00 sati u Filmskom studiju Medika, Pierottijeva 11.


Kako reći tijelu koje želi sve da ne možete imati sve?

Zahtjevi koje društvo nameće našem tijelu tjera ove izvođače da otvaraju stare rane, izlažu se i guraju do krajnjih granica, a umor je točka loma i lom. Svi dijele isto svjedočanstvo: tijelo im je reklo dovoljno, naglo im je zaustavilo živote, morali su razmisliti o tome da prestanu željeti sve kao prije vitalne kočnice.

Polazna točka za stvaranje ovog procesa bio je trenutak u kojem je Carlotino tijelo reklo da je dosta. Bilo je to 2019. godine kada je (nakon dvije manje operacije 2017. i 2018.) morala na operaciju zloćudnog tumora na lijevoj nozi, zbog čega je dva mjeseca morala provesti u invalidskim kolicima. Kad se uspjela u potpunosti oporaviti, došla je pandemija koju svi znamo i tu je počela promišljati svoje tijelo u smislu zahtjeva koje je ono postavljalo pred nju od malih nogu, ponajviše zbog pritiska društva za beskonačno uzlaznom putanjom karijere.

LO QUIERO TO je scenski eksperiment koji ima za cilj istražiti fizičke granice. Svjedočanstvo i dokument postaju dramski tekst, a kroz različite scenske resurse ova priča se kontruira.

Za ovu priliku tražimo deset sudionika/ica koji dijele zajednički motiv: tijelo im je u nekom trenutku života reklo da je dosta i morali su započeti život na drugačiji način. Nije potrebno prethodno iskustvo na pozornici. Ne postoji dobna granica. To mogu biti osobe bilo koje nacionalnosti koje tečno govore engleski i žive u Zagrebu.

Dani radionica su od 06. do 09. lipnja od 10:00 do 18:00 sati. Prezentacija rada održati će se Filmskom studiju Medika, Pierottijeva 11, u subotu 10. lipnja u 20:00. Vrlo je važno pohađati radionicu svaki dan.
📌 Prijaviti se možete na linku! (rok za prijavu je 21. svibnja)


SubScena for theatre, performing arts and other hybrids invites you to join Carlota Berzal and Ricardo Mena free workshop from 6th to 9th of June with a public presentation on 10th of June at 20:00 at Filmski studio Medika, Pierottijeva 11.

Hdo you tell a body that wants it all that you can’t have it all?

The demand that society imposes on our bodies makes these performers open their wounds, exposing themselves and squeezing themselves to the limit, fatigue being the breaking and breaking point. They all share the same testimony: the body told them enough, bringing their lives to a sudden stop, having to consider stopping wanting everything as they did before the vital brake.

The starting point to create this process was the moment in which Carlota’s body said enough was enough. It was in 2019 when she had to undergo surgery (after two minor operations in 2017 and 2018) for a malignant tumor in his left leg, which made her have to spend two months in a wheelchair. When she was able to fully recover, the pandemic that we all know came and it is there that she began to rethink her body in terms of the demands that it has been imposing on her since she was very little, largely due to the society that pressures for success as a career infinite ascending.

LO QUIERO TO is a scenic experiment that aims to explore physical limits. Testimony and document become a dramatic text, and it is through different stage resources that this story is constructed.

In May 2022, a residency was held with artists residing in Madrid (Spain) with the corresponding opening of the process at Teatro Pradillo. Photos:…/1MW19Wepxvp3v1QqzdI2vJc0qdWk…

For this occasion we are looking for ten performers who share a common motive: at some point in their lives their body has told them enough is enough and they have had to start their lives in a different way. No prior stage experience is necessary. There is no age limit. They can be people of any nationality who are fluent in English and residing in Zagreb.

The days of the workshops will be from 6th until 9th of June with hours from 10:00 until 18:00. Public presentation will be held at Filmski Studio Medika, Pierottijeva 11, 10th of June at 20:00 with its corresponding audiovisual and photographic record. It is very important to have availability for every day of the workshop/residency.
It is conceived as a free workshop/residence for the selected people with a free process opening for the public.
📌 Apply here! (deadline is 21st of May)


La Turba Company

In 2014 Carlota Berzal creates La Turba Company, where she writes and directs performances such as Filipo (Desencaja Competition Finalist 2015 Spain, Independent Theater Meeting La Plata 2017 Argentine) and also performed in performances such as Todo lo que no soy (FAKI Festival 2015 Croatia, LOFT Festival 2016 Chile, Excentric Festival 2016 Argentine, DELBORDE Flores Festival 2018 Argentina, Pablo de Olavide University Minimum Culture Festival Seville 2020 Spain, ERASCIS Disadvantaged Areas, Cruz Roja 2020 Spain, Seville Provincial Council Development Program 2021 Spain), with Ricardo Mena creates Ofelia Vegetariana (FAUNA 2017 Argentine, Escénika Festival Concepción 2018 Chile, Nuevas Tendencias Festival Mendoza 2018 Argentine, Clasicoff Festival Madrid 2019 Spain, Ciudad Real International Theater, Circus and Dance Festival 2020 Spain, FAKI Festival 2021 Croatia, Alexandría Festival 2022 Egypt wining Jury Prize and Best Actress, Bacau Mono Drama Fest 2022 Rumanía, Nandimukh Festival 2022 Bangladesh), Mi Bandera (International Festival of Contemporary Dance 2021 Lebanon Online Format, Spanish Grand Prize for Performing Arts in the Dance category of the ARS Mediterránea International) or Anexo a Mi Bandera (Confluences of Art Festival 2020 Paraguay Online Format, FAKI Festival 2020 Croatia Online Format, Ciudad Real Spring Festival 2021 Spain, The World we Live In 2021 Netherlands Online Format, Tiro Arts International Festival 2021 Lebanon, Knot Nudos Festival 2022 Argentina Online Format).
Ricardo Mena Rosado
Ricardo Mena Rosado is a hispanic-mexican actor, writer, director and pedagogue. His collaboration with La Turba Company began in 2015. with “Ofelia vegetariana” as assistant director and playwritting. He co-writes and co-directs “Lo quiero to” by Carlota Berzal. He has collaborated with La Turba Company in Spain and international festivals hels in Egypt, Romania and Bangladesh.


SubScena za kazalište, izvedbene umjetnosti i ostale hibride neprofitni je projekt kojeg u partnerstvu provode Autonomni kulturni centar Attack i Cirkorama, a s ciljem afirmiranja i povezivanja avangardnih i eksperimentalnih izvedbenih umjetnika/ca iz Hrvatske, regije i svijeta, neovisno o žanru, stilu i razdoblju kojem pripadaju.

Program Subscena financijski su omogućili Grad Zagreb – Gradski ured za kulturu, međugradsku i međunarodnu suradnju i civilno društvo, Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske, Zaklada Kultura nova i Nacionalna Zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva, a ova rezidencija realizirana je uz pomoć Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Španjolske u Republici Hrvatskoj
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