Yo Bando!

Blue Monday je naziv za dan u siječnju (obično treći tjedan u mjesecu) koji se smatra najdepresivnijim danom u godini.

Da vas spasimo od dugih, hladnih zimskih noći koje provodite sami u čamatoriju vašeg prljavog i preskupog stana (vjerojatno uz seminalni LP “Winter” od Amebixa u teškoj rotaciji na “posuđenom” gramofonu) – svjetionik svjetla

, istine

i (krivog) puta je ovdje!


Datum: subota, 25. siječnja

Vrijeme: (22-06H)

Šteta : 8€ do ponoći, 10€ nakon ponoći.

Yes, dread!

Francuski Heavy Dubwize Diffusor HASPAR

dolazi nam ponovno u goste!

Inna exxclusive colaborations sa MUNCHIES SOUNDSYSTEM


Alongside dread, beat & blood elders – BELLYFULL & KIWI!

U slučaju da netko još ne zna – dubmaker iz Grrrenoble-a, HASPAR, čovjek iza najtvrđih produkcija koje se mogu čuti na Outernational Soundsystem legendama poput Jah Shaka

, Iration Steppas

, Blackboard Jungle, OBF, i mnogih drugih.
Očekuje vas noć puna Roots killersa, Early Digitala, UK Dub anthemsa, i najinovativnijeg French-style Steppersa!

Fraer iza kojega je cijela hrpa hitova – od Conscious colab sa Cali Rastamanom Fikir Amlak

“Back Away” (Big up Lions Den!) ili Jah Tubbys killera Seek & Find Rastafari sa Dixe Peach!
I tko bi mogao zaboraviti dancehall crasher Nemesis w. Vengeful Dub, (obljubljen među omladinom od najranijih Munchies selekcija)

If you don’t know, Now you know”

Soundsystem provider večeri su “mlađahni” momci iz Pule MUNCHIES SOUNDSYSTEM!

Ša Kompa?! Originalni Pula Warriors, ekipa iza čuvenog ESCAPE THE CITY festivala, i sveukupno bonafide soundsystem crew!

Da, višestruko nominirani (ali srećom nikad pobjednici

) nagrade Ambasadora “soundsystem godine”, naoružani svježim novim topsima

, killer dubplateovima

i (možda) najboljim style & fashion

na sceni, vraćaju se ponovno u ZG, posebno za ovu radosnu prigodu!

Da bi održali kozmičku ravnotežu u plesu kreacije i uništenja, imamo ni manje ni više nego duboko poštovane starješine scene – BELLYFULL & BROTHER KIWI!

The majestic number is 23! From Sodom, I shall lead thee!
Through the Mountains of Zenica to the rolling hills of Nettle City, where you gonna go when you cross river Drava?

All tribes welcome!

Manners & respect inna dance!

If you deal with war – you better stay far!

Judgment, fire & brimstone will be provided by special request all through the night!
Yo Gang!

Blue Monday is the name given to a day in January (typically the third week of the month) that is said to be the most depressing day of the year.
To save you from the long cold winter nights spent alone in your filthy overpriced apartment, (probably with the seminal LP “Winter” by Amebix in heavy rotation on your borrowed record player ) – the beacon of the light

, the truth

, and the (wrong) Way is here!


Date: Saturday, 25th of January

Time: (22-06H)

The damage is DONE (8€ – after midnight 10€)

Yes, dread!

The French Heavy Dubwize Diffusir HASPAR

is paying a visit to you and yours!
This one inna exxxclusive collaboration with MUNCHIES SOUNDSYSTEM

Alongside dread, beat & blood elders – BELLYFULL & KIWI!

If you don’t already know – the dubmaker outta Grrrenoble, HASPAR is the purveyor of some of the heaviest productions to be heard on outernational Soundsystem greats like Jah Shaka, Iration Steppas, Blackboard Jungle, OBF, and many others.

Coming with a bag full of Roots killers, Early Digital, UK Dub anthems, and the most innovative French-style Steppers!

Yea man, a whole leap of licks – from the conscious hit collaboration with the mighty Fikir Amlak

“Back Away” (Big up Lions Den!) to the Jah Tubbys killer Seek & Find Rastafari with Dixe Peach! And don’t forget the dancehall crasher tune, (heard on some of the earliest Munchies selections) Nemesis w. Vengeful Dub!

If you don’t know, now you know!

The soundsystem provider of the night is none other than the mighty MUNCHIES SOUNDSYSTEM!
You know?! The Original Pula warriors, the gang behind the infamous ESCAPE THE CITY festival, and the all-around bonafide soundsystem crew!

Yeah, the multiple nominees (but luckily never the winners

) of the Ambassadors “soundsystem of the Year” award, armed with fresh new tops

, killer dubz

, and the (arguably) the finest style & fashion sense

in the scene are coming back again to ZG, especially for this joyous occasion!

To keep the cosmic balance inna dance, we have none other than the well-respected elders of the scene – BELLYFULL & BROTHER KIWI!

The majestic number is 23! From Sodom, I shall lead thee!
Through the Mountains of Zenica to the rolling hills of Nettle City, where you gonna go when you cross river Drava?

All tribes welcome!

Manners & respect inna dance!

If you deal with war – you better stay far!

Judgement, fire & brimstone will be provided by special request all through the night!
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