Queer Poetry Slam (open mic) – Sappho’s Slam
21.5., 19:30 – 21:00
MEDIKA: Info Shop

*eng below

Pozivamo vas na Queer Poetry Slam! Šarenim, višeslojnim i autentičnim stihovima pružimo queer iskustvu pozornicu kakvu zaslužuje. Pozivamo sve pjesnikinje i pjesnike da podijele svoje tekstove u sigurnom i opuštenom okruženju. Želimo čuti sve, od osobnih ljubavi i životnih priča, smiješnih anegdota iz svakodnevnog života, do drobljenja heteronormativne stvarnosti. Teme su potpuno otvorene i prepuštene vama na izbor. Poslušajmo skupa što to znači queer!

Poezija je već dugo način hvatanja u koštac s trenutnim životnim uvjetima. Već u 6. st. pr. n. e. mogu se pronaći prvi primjeri lezbijske poezije koju je napisala grčka pjesnikinja Sapfa. Međutim, podrijetlo poetry slama smješta se tek u 1986. godinu, neovisno o LGBTQ+ zajednici. Bivši građevinski radnik i pjesnik iz Chicaga Marc Kelly Smith uspostavio je ovu novu vrstu nastupa, koja je od tada stekla veliku popularnost.
Naš Queer poetry slam temelji se na principu “open mic-a”, što znači da je pozornica otvorena svakome tko želi predstaviti svoj poetski tekst. Za bolju koordinaciju savjetujemo da nas unaprijed kontaktirate i najavite svoje sudjelovanje. Pišite nam na mail: domino.artprojekt@gmail.com. Ako se slučajno zaboravite prijaviti, bez brige, možete se slobodno priključiti slam-u!

Vidimo se na Slamu!

Pogledaj raspored cijelog dana FAKI OPENING & QUEER ZAGREB CLOSING: bit.ly/faki-opening-queer-zagreb-closing-21-may


Queer Poetry Slam – Sapppho’s slam (open mic)
21.5., 19:30 – 21:00
MEDIKA: Info Shop

We invite you to the Queer Poetry Slam! With an evening full of verses, colorful and multifaceted with true authenticity, we want to give queer life the stage it deserves. We invite all people to take the mic and share their self-written texts in a safe environtment.
We want to hear it all, from personal love and life stories, funny anecdotes of your daily life, to the crushing reality of life in heteronormativity. The topic is up to you! Whether you are a beginner or an established poet, the stage is all yours for you and your stories. Let’s hear what it means to be queer!
Poetry has long been a form of capturing the present circumstances of life. The first traces of lesbian poetry can be found as early as the sixth century BC, written by the ancient Greek poet Sappho. However, the origin of poetry slam is found as late as 1986, independent of the LGBTQ+ community. Former Chicago construction worker and poet Marc Kelly Smith established this new style of performance, which has been gaining popularity ever since. Our poetry slam will be an “open mic” evening, meaning that anyone who wants to perform is free to do so.
To allow a smooth flow, we nevertheless advise the artists to register in advance, if possible. Write to us via: domino.artprojekt@gmail.com
We’re here if you have any further questions for the event. We’re excited to see you!
Check out the entire program of FAKI OPENING & QUEER ZAGREB CLOSING: bit.ly/faki-opening-queer-zagreb-closing-21-may
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