PISTOLERO w/ EAT STATIC (UK) full live @ AKC Attack (Zagreb) / 07-03-2025 / Petak / 22-06
Line up -> EAT STATIC (UK) full live + local support: ZMAYO / HAKTAL / SVN / ZBVX / VJ WILD BRONCO [Pistolero]
[english below]
U klub Attack, na Pistolero u petak 7.3.2025. stiže Eat Static, britanski majstor elektronske glazbe u svom ekskluzivnom full live izdanju. Dolazi sa hrpom opreme, a odraditi će trosatni freestyle live session od techna i proga, preko breakbeata i dnb-a do neizostavnog superpsihodeličnog i svemirskog sci-fi trensa. Podrška su Pistolero rezidenti Zmayo, Haktal, SVN i ZBVX, dok je za video zadužena Pistolero VJica Wild Bronco, a za zvučnu kulisu spaja se Void Acoustics by BTY. Upad je u pretprodaji (Entrio): 20 eur (Super early bird), 25 eur (Early bird), 30 eur (Regular bird) i 35 eur na ulazu u klub (ako ostane karata). Napominjemo da zbog ograničenog kapaciteta kluba, osigurate ulaznicu na vrijeme.
Eat Static nastaje na vrhuncu acid-house eksplozije kada tadašnji bubnjar svemirskih Ozric Tentaclesa, i danas jedini Eat Static alien, Merv Pepler, zajedno sa Joie Hintonom stvara jedinstveni Eat Static. Njihov rad obilježava 90-e godine prošlog stoljeća i objavljuju hrpu odličnih i antologijskih izdanja na “Planet Dog” labelu, od ranih EP-ova pa sve do ufodelično-psihodeličnih i pionirskih techno-trance klasičnih albuma: “Abduction” i “Implant”, te “Science Of The Gods”, eklektičnog techno-trance-drum’n’bass albuma s kraja 90ih. 2000. godine svjetlo dana je ugledao Mervov label “Mesmobeat” na kojem su poizdavali svoja rana izdanja poput “Alien EPs, Prepare Your Spirit, Decadance, Alien Artifakts” te izvanredni “Crash & Burn” album, fantastičnu kombinaciju funkoidnog drum’n’bass-a, breakbeata i psihodeličnog techna, a nakon toga, “In The Nude” album, remek djelo u kojem Eat Static kombinira jazz, techno, breakbeat, funk, drum’n’bass, rock, dub uz sveprisutni psihodelični zvuk, sve savršeno posloženo. Merv Pepler, bez posla ne može i osim u Eat Staticu, vrijeme provodi stvarajući glazbu na raznim stranama. Do 1999. bio je bubnjar Ozric Tentacles-a, 2000-te se zajedno sa “Ozric” Steve Wynne-om opušta kao “Nodens Ictus” i izdaje dubodelično-ambijentalni album “Spacelines”. “Dendron” je ime koje Merv uzima za breakbeat-drum’n’bass projekt, te također na “Mesmobeat-u” izbacuje odličan “Supernatural Jazz” album. To kao da je bilo samo zagrijavanje za 2004., kada izdaje dva albuma. Prvi od njih odradio je sa Steve Jolliffe-om iz “Tangerine Dream-a” koji pod imenom “Hi-Fi Companions” na Twistedovom chill sublabelu “Backroom Beats” objavljuju chilled-lounge-house album “Swingers In Paradise”. Will White iz Propellerheads-a u projektu “Flexitones” pridružio se Pepleru na stvaranju dub-downtempo-lounge-breaks poslastice prikladnog naziva “Joyrider” a nakon trogodišnje stanke, na japanskom “Solstice-u” izlazi techno/trance/breakbeat/dnb majstorija “De-Classified”. Ubrzo nakon toga, Eat Static objavljuje downbeat album, odlični “Back To Earth” na Interchillu, te tada dolazi do prekretnice zbog Joievog odlaska iz benda, te Eat Static postaje Merv-ov solo projekt. Slijede još dvostruki Eat Static album “Dead Planet / Human Upgrade” te “Last Ship To Paradise” i nova kolaboracija, fenomenalni techno projekt “Strontium Dogs” kojeg čini sa Nektarios-om (aka Martian Arts-om). I naravno, osim izdavanja hrpe albuma i EP-ova, Eat Static je remiksirao hrpu izvođača te objavio gomilu mjuze na mnoštvu raznih kompilacija i labelova.
ZMAYO [Pistolero]
Zmayo je pokretač i selektor Pistolero Recordingsa, zagrebačke etikete za freestyle elektroniku na kojoj glazbu objavljuje mnoštvo producenata sa svih strana svijeta. Također je rezident DJ i organizator na Pistolero eventima, a kao DJ, premazan je svim mastima, te mu se setovi, ovisno o prigodi, kreću u rasponu od techna, darkproga i svemirskog psytrancea, preko masnog free tekna, do prljavog dark elektra i mračnog breakbeata. Ili kombinacije svega navedenog.
HAKTAL [Pistolero / Hybrid]
Haktal, osim što je tonski tehničar/inženjer, intenzivno je i strastveno uključen u organizaciju audiovizualnih događanja u Zagrebu, a njegov dom je Akc Attack gdje sudjeluje u organizaciji s Pistolerom i Hybrid ekipom, dok u rodnoj Koprivnici organizira GuerillaGroove serijal. Većina njegovih selekcija fokusirana je na mračniji, groovy, hipnotički i breakish psytechno, psygressive i darkprog, a povremeno uskoči u i psytrance vlak gdje kombinira fullon, twilighta i forest podstilove, a svojom pomno probranom selekcijom, koja miriše na mrak, ništa ne ostavlja slučaju.
SVN [Pistolero]
SVN je vrstan ton majstor i sofisticirani ljubitelj raznih elektronskih stilova. Nekad član Hypdnodelix kolektiva, vrtio je sve i svašta, od psybreaksa i trensa do psygressive i techno varijanti, dok danas uglavnom brije na electro i techno kombinaciju.
ZBVX [Pistolero]
ZBVX je DJ alias VJice Wild Bronco koja se, osim u VJingu, u zadnje vrijeme odlično snalazi i za DJ pultom. U svojim setovima preferira groovey tekno šarenih brzina.
Soundsystem by BTY/Void Acoustics.
Entrio (pretprodaja) -> www.entrio.hr/…/pistolero-w-eat-static-uk-full…
PISTOLERO w/ EAT STATIC (UK) Full Live Set @ AKC Attack (Zagreb) / 7-3-2025
Eat Static, psychedelic electronic music alien maestro, is arriving to the club Attack (Zagreb), at Pistolero party on Friday, March 7th 2025, with his exclusive full live set. He comes with a bunch of equipment and will perform (at least) 3 hour freestyle live session from techno and prog, through breakbeat and dnb to the superpsychedelic and space scifidelic trance. Pistolero residents Zmayo, Haktal, SVN and ZBVX will be in charge of support, while the visuals are handled by VJ Wild Bronco.
Soundsystem -> Void Acoustics by BTY.
Entrance in pre-sale (Entrio) -> 20 eur (Super early bird), 25 eur (Early bird), 30 eur (Regular bird) and 35 eur at the club entrance (if there will be any tickets left). Please note that due to the limited capacity of the club (250 people max), get your ticket(s) on time.
Eat Static was formed at the peak of the acid-house explosion when Merv Pepler, together with Joie Hinton created Eat Static. During 90s, they released a bunch of excellent and anthological releases on the “Planet Dog” label, from a lot of EPs to the ufodelic-psychedelic and pioneering techno-trance classic albums like “Abduction” and “Implant” + “Science Of The Gods”, an eclectic techno-trance-drum’n’bass album. In year 2000, Merv started his own label “Mesmobeat” where Eat Static released their early releases such as “Alien EPs, Prepare Your Spirit, Decadance, Alien Artifakts” and the extraordinary “Crash & Burn” album, a fantastic combination of funkoid drum’n’bass, breakbeat and psychedelic techno. After that, they released ”In The Nude” album, a masterpiece in which Eat Static combines jazz, techno, breakbeat, funk, drum’n’bass, rock and dub with psychedelic soundscape, all perfectly arranged. Merv Pepler is always busy and apart from Eat Static, he spends his time creating music in various projects. Until 1999, he was the drummer of Ozric Tentacles, in the 2000s, together with “Ozric” Steve Wynne, he relaxes as “Nodens Ictus” and releases the deep-ambient album “Spacelines”. “Dendron” is the name Merv uses for his breakbeat-drum’n’bass project, and also on “Mesmobeat” he releases the excellent “Supernatural Jazz” album. It was like it was just a warm-up for 2004, when he releases two albums. The first of them was with Steve Jolliffe from “Tangerine Dream” and under the name “Hi-Fi Companions” on Twisted’s chill sublabel “Backroom Beats”, they released great album of chilled-lounge-house beats: “Swingers In Paradise”. Will White from Propellerheads in a project called “Flexitones” joined Pepler to create a dub-downtempo-lounge-breaks treat named “Joyrider” and after a three-year break, on the Japanese “Solstice” label, Eat Static releases the techno/trance/breakbeat/dnb masterpiece “De-Classified”. Shortly after, Eat Static releases a downbeat album, the excellent “Back To Earth” on Interchill, and then comes a turning point due to Joi’s departure from the band, and Eat Static becomes Merv’s solo project. Next up is the double Eat Static album “Dead Planet / Human Upgrade” and “Last Ship To Paradise” followed by a new collaboration, the phenomenal techno project “Strontium Dogs” with Nektarios (aka Martian Arts). And of course, in addition to releasing a bunch of albums and EPs, Eat Static has remixed a numerous artists and released a lot of music on a bunch of different compilations and labels.
ZMAYO [Pistolero]
Zmayo is the founder and selector of Pistolero Recordings, a Zagreb-based freestyle electronic music label that releases music from a variety of producers from all over the world. He is also a resident DJ and organizer at Pistolero events, and as a DJ, he has a knack for everything, and his sets, depending on the occasion, range from techno, darkprog and scifidelic psytrance, to greasy free tekno and dirty dark electro breakbeat. Or a combination of all of the above.
HAKTAL [Pistolero / Hybrid]
Haktal, in addition to being a sound technician/engineer, is intensely and passionately involved in organizing audiovisual events in Zagreb, and his home is Akc Attack where he participates in the organization with Pistolero and the Hybrid crew. Most of his selections are focused on darker, groovy, hypnotic and breakish psytechno, psygressive and darkprog, and occasionally he jumps on the psytrance train where he combines fullon, twilight and forest substyles.
SVN [Pistolero]
SVN is sophisticated afficionado of various electronic styles. Formerly a member of the Hypdnodelix collective, he played anything and everything, from psybreaks and trance to psygressive and techno styles, while today he mainly plays a combination of electro and techno.
ZBVX [Pistolero] ZBVX is the DJ alias of VJ Wild Bronco, who, apart from VJing, has been doing great at the DJ desk lately. In her sets, she prefers groovey tribe tekno.
Soundsystem by BTY/Void Acoustics
Entrio (presale) -> www.entrio.hr/…/pistolero-w-eat-static-uk-full…
Pistolero w/ EAT STATIC (UK) full live @ Attack