~ english below ~
Drage/i svi, stigli smo i do 666. broja OHOHO zina kojeg objavljujemo u sklopu OHOHO festivala stripa i street arta, te u izdavaštvu Attacka!
Tema OHOHO zina#666 je HORROR MANGA! To podrazumijeva kreiranje autorskog stripa inspiriranog vizualnim i narativnim stilom japanskih mangi, ali unutar horor žanra (npr. Jinji Ito, Masaaki Nakayama, Kazuo Umezu, itd.). Likovi mogu, ali i ne moraju, biti dizajnirani u prepoznatljivom stilu mangi (primjeri domaćih autora/ica sa autorskim stilom koji je dijelom inspiriran utjecajima mange: Lea Kralj Jager, Korina Hunjak, Ivana Geček, Sara Divjak, Antonijo Filipović). OHOHO cijeni autorski pristup crtežu stoga se veselimo i vašem autorskom doprinosu ovoj temi! Također je potrebno prilagoditi “zapadnjački” stripovski jezik autentičnom japanskom čitanju stripa “s desna na lijevo”, kao na shematskom prikazu. OHOHO zin#666 bit će otisnut kao i japanski strip magazini, te će se čitati počevši od “zadnje strane”! Oblačići se kao i inače, čitaju od gore prema dolje.
Molimo, pažljivo pročitajte uvjete poziva:

Strip možete prijaviti isključivo putem formulara (pri dnu popisa uvjeta natječaja)

Broj stranica: 1 – 8

Može i više ako ste nadahnuti, ali uredništvo mora biti impresionirano!

Boja: crno-bijelo (c/b) ili grayscale [sugeriramo da naginjete na c/b! U slučaju grayscalea molimo da naglasite tonske razlike kako bismo izbjegli probleme s tiskom u vidu toga da Vam table budu tamnije nego je to predviđeno].

Format: strip MORA biti prilagođen za čitanje na formatu B5 i napisan čitkim tekstom ukoliko je strip sa dijalozima.

Šaljite stripove u JPEG-u (minimalna rezolucija 300 dpi), NE ŠALJITE PDF-ove.

Ukoliko radite analogno, stripovi moraju biti poslani skenirani, a ne fotografirani mobitelom.

Jezik stripa: obavezno je da jezik bude hrvatski ili srpsko-hrvatski.

Jezik stripa: ukoliko nije na latiničnom pismu, molimo dostavite prijevod u editabilnom tekst dokumentu.

Rok za slanje radova je: 1. ožujak 2024.

Nakon roka uredništvo će Vas kontaktirati i obavijestiti o rezultatu.
Odobreni radovi će ugledati svjetlo dana u OHOHOzinu#666, te na zidovima galerije Siva u Medici.

OHOHO zin je strip-magazin alternativnog/indie izričaja stoga prednost imaju stripovi stilski prilagođeniji istom opusu. Primjer: OHOHO zin #1 – OHOHO zin#5.

Nakon odobrenja vašeg stripa za objavu, trebat ćemo englesku verziju tekstova jer je OHOHO zin dvojezičan.
Za sve dodatne izmjene bit ćete obaviješteni u ovom eventu!
Rad uredništva na OHOHO zinu, kao i cjelokupna priprema za tisak je volonterska.
Svaka kuna od kupnje ili donacije zina ide isključivo u dotisak postojećeg broja, ili tisak sljedećeg.

Autori i autorice čiji radovi budu odobreni za tisak, dobivaju:

autorski primjerak OHOHO zina

sudjelovanje u grupnim izložbama tabli OHOHO zina

sudjelovanje na promocijama OHOHO zina
promociju od strane OHOHO-a na društvenim mrežama festivala
Autorica vizuala poziva, naslovnice OHOHO zina#6, te vizualnog identiteta OHOHO festivala 2024. je Lea Kralj Jager.
~ english ~
Dear All, we have arrived to the 666th edition of the OHOHOzine as part of the “OHOHO comic and street art festival”, publish by Attack!

The theme of OHOHOzin#666 is
This means we’re looking for comics inspired by the visual and narrative style of Japanese manga, but within the horror genre (example: Jinji Ito, Masaaki Nakayama, Kazuo Umezu, etc.).
It’s not obligation to have characters designed in a recognizable manga style (examples of Croatian authors with an authentic style partly inspired by manga influences: Lea Kralj Jager, Korina Hunjak, Ivana Geček, Sara Divjak, Antonijo Filipović). OHOHO prefer and appreciate authentic and personalized style. It is also necessary to adapt the “Western” comic book language to the authentic Japanese reading of comics “from right to left”, as in the attached schematic representation (bellow this text). OHOHO zin#666 will be printed like Japanese comic magazines, and will be read starting from the “back page”! Speech bobbles needs to be read (as usual) from top to bottom. If you get stuck, mirroring the comic in Photoshop is also a possible solution, but be mindful of text bubbles and how you place them.
Please read the rules of this open call very carefully:

Comic can be submitted only via form in theend of the row.

Number of pages: 1-8

We are ok with more pages if you feel so inspired, but you will need to really impress the editorial team for it to pass!

Color: black and white or grayscale. (We strongly suggest you do black and white (b/w)! In case you do go grey scale please be mindful of differences in tones. We have had problems in past issues of print being darker than expected.)

Format: Comic MUST be readable in a B5 format and the text (if used) must be legible.

Send the comic in JPG format, minimal resolution should be 300dpi. DON’T SEND PDF-s.

In case you are drawing the comic by hand, the pages have to be scanned in properly. Not photographed by phone.

Language: primarily Croatian or any regional language such as Serbian or Bosnian etc. You can send english version if you are not from regions mentioned above.

In case the comic is written in some other alphabet, such as Cyrillic, please send us the translation in an editable text document.

Deadline is: march 1st 2024.

After the deadline you will be contacted by the editorial team about whether your work has made the cut.

Selected works will be published in OHOHO zin #6 and will also be part of an exhibition in the OHOHO festival (Siva gallery, Medika)

OHOHO zin is a magazine that showcases alternative and indie comics, so that kind of style will be given priority during the selection process. You can find samples of this our past issues.

If your comic will be published you will be asked to supply us with an English translation since the zine is published in both Croatian and English.

In case of any change to the rules, you will be notified on our socials.

The editorial work at OHOHOzine, as well as designing and prepping each issue for print is voluntary. Money made from the purchase or donation of the zine goes directly into print, be it for the current issue or the next one.

Authors whose work gets selected for publication receive:

one authors copy of OHOHO zine

get to participate in group exhibitions that consist of a selection of comic pages from the current issue.

can participate in OHOHO zine promotions
promotion by OHOHO on the social networks of the festival
Author of the visual for this call, OHOHOzine #666 cover and the whole visual identity of the festival in 2024 is Lea Kralj Jager.
More about OHOHO festival:
The OHOHO festival is a space-time (dis)continuum for the creation, discussion and exchange of contemporary comics and street art by artists who create underground art according to DIY poetics. The focus of the festival is on recent street art and independent comics, and the festival events – drawing events, workshops, residency, exhibition, and flea market – are aimed at everyone interested in the medium of independent posters, graphics, illustrations, and comics. OHOHO is organized by Attack and artistic directors: Lea Kralj Jager, Marko Dješka, Mario Miličić and Agata Lučić.
Imaš nadopunu, ispravak, bolje fotke, galeriju / video / dojam? Klikni ovdje i javi nam!