~English bellow~

Evo nas i na još jednoj ediciji OHOHO festivala stripa i street arta! Ove godine OHOHO festival zaokuplja AKC Mediku (Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb) od 19. do 22. rujna 2024.!

ČETVRTAK (otvorenje festivala, 19.9.):

🌑Festival počinjemo otvorenjem dvije izložbe:
-Izložba strip-tabli iz aktualnog OHOHOzina#6 popraćena strip tablama Stripotetki, autorskog kolektiva iz Srbije, te radovima gošće iz Češke ‘ToyBox’. 📍Galerija Siva
-Izložba Woman Power in Comics (WOMCOM). AKC Attack je ove godine domaćin za internacionalnu radionicu ženskog stripa WOMCOM i posljednji ovogodišnji modul odvija se upravo u Zagrebu sa završnom izložbom strip-radova nastalih na rezidenciji📍Infoshop Pippilotta
Više o WOMCOM projektu: womcom.io/, www.facebook.com/womcom.power

🌑Istu večer sljedi Promocija novog broja OHOHOzina #6 posvećenog temi HOROR MANGA.
Do sada najveći broj OHOHOzina (280 strana) iscrtali su čak 32 autora/ice od kojih su ⅔ ženske autorice stripa! Promocija će ujedno biti i okrugli stol/predstavljanje mladih autora i autorica iz broja. 📍Dvorište Medike

🌑U klubu Attack DJ Yugolovia vas vodi na magično putovanje kroz zlatne godine jugoslovenske plesne scene. Pripremite se na uživanje u šarmu slatkih melodija iz šezdesetih, sedamdesetih i osamdesetih. Obucite svoje najudobnije plesne cipelice i zaboravite na europsko vrijeme jer će noć trajat danima! 📍 Klub Attack

PETAK I SUBOTA (20. i 21.9.)

🌑Strip-promocije vas očekuju u petak i subotu i odvijati će se u 📍dvorištu Medike. Među njima su ekskluzivna izdanja koja prvi puta ugledavaju svjetlo dana upravo na OHOHO festivalu!
Ekskluzivne promocije: Strip-album ‘Dovojačke oči’ strip-autora Iztoka Sitara iz Slovenije, strip-fanzin ‘Majdanska garaža #3’koji nam stiže iz Solina skupa sa Vinkom Barićem (Lavandeman, Barokni čovjek). Sitotisak izdanja Partizanprinta (Makedonija). Strip albumi iz izdavaštva udruge Hrvatski autorski strip: Abadon (Mihael Bađun), Doživljaji Fabijana Puha (Damir Ercegović) i Crna Željka (Marko Dješka).
Uskoro najavljujemo popis svih izdanja koja će se promovirati na OHOHO-u!
Ovogodišnja moderatorica i moderator OHOHO strip tribina su: Pia Nikolič i Saša Paprić.

🌑Jana Adamović je naša specijalna gošća, strip autorica iz Srbije koja nam je i donijela izložbu Stripotetki, te će predstavljati i omnibus izdanje ženskih autorica ‘Kod Kuće’.

🌑Oslikavanje Medike je neizostavan segment našeg festivala. Prijavite se za oslikavanje Medike i crtanje murala na: ohoho@attack.hr

🌑Jednodnevna radionica kolaža sa Petjom Kolenko održat će se u petak. Prijave na radionicu: www.facebook.com/share/CgzE7M8ZnmsjP7Fm/

🌑Posjetite Buvljak u dvorištu Medike svaki dan za vrijeme trajanja festivala. Na njemu ćete moći pronaći različita strip izdanja, albume, časopise, grafike, DIY merch, te plakateriju Partizanprinta (Makedonija), Matrijaršije (Srbija) i još mnogo toga.

🌑Glazbeni program će se odvijati svaku večer u AKC Medika.

🌑Tražimo i volontere za festival! Svatko tko je zainteresiran sudjelovati u organizaciji neka se prijavi na open call za volontere:
Uskoro više detalja o programu!

OHOHO festival je prostor za kreativnost, stvaralaštvo, diskusiju i razmjenu suvremene strip i ulične umjetnosti umjetnika/ca koji/e stvaraju underground i alternativnu umjetnost prema DIY (uradi sam) poetici. Fokus festivala je na recentnoj uličnoj umjetnosti i nezavisnom stripu, a festivalski eventi – crtačke/muralističke akcije, radionice, rezidencija, izložba i razgovori – usmjereni su svima zainteresiranima za medij nezavisnog plakata, grafike, ilustracije i stripa.

Festival nastaje u organizaciji AKC Attack i četvero umjetnika_ica: Lea Kralj Jager, Marko Dješka i Antonija Bačić.

Autor ovogodišnjeg vizualnog identiteta festivala je Lea Kralj Jager – www.behance.net/lkj

OHOHO 2024. financijski je podržan sredstvima Grad Zagreb – Gradski ured za kulturu, međugradsku i međunarodnu suradnju i civilno društvo, Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske i Zaklada Kultura nova


Vidimo se u AKC Attack, 19.9. – 22.9.


Here we are at another edition of the OHOHO comics and street art festival! This year, the OHOHO festival occupied AKC Medika (Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb) from September 19th to 22th, 2024!

THURSDAY (opening of the festival, September 19th):

🌑We are starting the festival with the opening of two exhibitions:
-An exhibition of comic pages from the current OHOHOzine #6, accompanied by comic boards from Stripotetke, an author’s collective from Serbia, and the works of our guests from the Czech Republic, ‘ToyBox’. 📍Siva gallery.
-The Woman Power in Comics (WOMCOM) Exhibition. This year, AKC Medika is the host for the WOMCOM international women’s comics workshop, and the last module of the year takes place in Zagreb with the final exhibition of comic works created at the workshop (September 9 – September 19). 📍Infoshop Pippilotta
More about the WOMCOM project: womcom.io/, www.facebook.com/womcom.power

🌑The same evening is followed by the promotion of the new issue of OHOHOzine #6 dedicated to the theme of HORROR MANGA. This, by far the largest number of OHOHOzine (280 pages), was drawn by as many as 32 authors, ⅔ of whom are female comic authors! The promotion will also be a round table/presentation of young authors from the issue. 📍Medika yard


FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (September 20 and 21)

🌑Comic-promotions await you on Friday and Saturday, and among them there are exclusive editions that will see the light of day for the first time at the OHOHO festival!
Exclusive promotions: Comic-album ‘Dovojačke oči’ by comic-author Iztok Sitar from Slovenia, comic-fanzine ‘Majdanska garaža #3’ is coming to us from Solin together with Vinko Barić (Lavandeman, Baroque Man). Screen printing of Partizanprint (Macedonia). Comic albums published by the Croatian comic author association: Abadon (Mihael Bađun), Adventures of Fabijan Puha (Damir Ercegović) and Crna Željka (Marko Dješka).
We will soon announce the full list of all editions that will be promoted on OHOHO!
This year’s moderators of the promotions and the OHOHO comic forum are: Pia Nikolič and Saša Paprić.

🌑Jana Adamović, a comic book author from Serbia is this year’s special guest. She brought us the exhibition ‘Stripotetke’, and will present the edition, omnibus of female authors, ‘At Home’.

🌑The mural painting in Medika is an indispensable segment of our festival and you can apply for making murals in Medika via mail: ohoho@attack.hr

🌑Artist Petja Kolenko from Slovenija will lead a one-day cut-out workshop. Results of the workshop will be exhibited at Mikro Club on Saturday.

🌑Visit the comic market in the yard of AKC Medika every day during the festival. There you can find various comics editions, albums, magazines, graphics, DIY merch, as well as posters of Partizanprint (Macedonia), Matrijaršija (Serbia) and much more.

🌑Music program and party will take place every evening at AKC Medika.

🌑We are also looking for volunteers for the festival! Anyone interested in participating in the organization should register for the open call for volunteers:
More details about the program soon!

____________________________________________ OHOHO festival is a space for creativity, creation, discussion and exchange of contemporary comics and street art by artists who create underground and alternative art according to DIY (do-it-yourself) poetics. The focus of the festival is on recent street art and independent comics, and the festival events – drawing/mural activities, workshops, residencies, exhibitions and talks. It’s aimed at everyone interested in the medium of independent posters, graphics, illustrations and comics.

The festival is organized by AKC Attack and four artists: Lea Kralj Jager, Marko Dješka, Antonija Bačić.

The author of this year’s visual identity of the festival is Lea Kralj Jager.


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