Dva festivala udružuju snage u cjelodnevnom FAKI OPENING & QUEER ZAGREB CLOSING programu! 💞

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FAKI – festival alternativnog kazališnog izričaja i Queer Zagreb Sezona, središnji festival udruge Domino, ove godine udružuju snage i donose radionice, izvedbe, slam poetry open mic i završni party uz vitamin Disco u prostorima AKC Medike. 🪅

Upad na sva događanja je besplatan, izuzevši vitamin Disco party (upad: 5€).

• 10:00 – 12:00 RADIONICA: “Les Dessous, toward a plurality of the erotic scene” Louise Mercadier | Compagnie des Corps Caverneux [Medika – Galerija Siva]
• 14:00 – 17:00 RADIONICA: Izrada transparenata za Zagreb Pride [Medika – Dvorište]
• 18:00 – 19:00 RAD U NASTAJANJU: “Allay DANS’” Allay DANS’ [Medika – Flimsky Studio]
• 19:30 – 21:00 QUEER SLAM POETRY OPEN MIC: “Sappho’s Slam” [Medika – Info Shop]
• 21:30 – 22:00 RAD U NASTAJANJU: “Radio Drama” Neven | Collectif des Arques [Medika – Flimsky Studio]

• 22:00 – 02:00 PARTY: vitamin Disco [Medika – Klub Attack] | Upad: 5€

FAKI festival za ovogodišnju temu izabrao je radical love, ne čudi onda da udružuju snage s 21. Queer Zagrebom koji već dva desetljeća slavi queer umjetnost, a ove godine traži gdje se dodiruju queer art i glazba. Zajedno pripremaju veliki slavljenički dan u suradnji s AKC Attackom, Zagreb Prideom i brojnim umjetnicima FAKI festivala.

Ponesite sve svoje šljokice i puno ljubavi, zaboravite na ponedjeljak i provedite šarenu umjetničko-radioničarsku party nedjelju u Medici!

FAKI festival trajat će sve do 28. svibnja, a što vam još spremaju pogledajte ovdje:

Program Queer Zagreb Sezone (12.-21.5.) pogledajte ovdje 👉 www.thisisadominoproject.org


• 10:00 – 12:00 RADIONICA: “Les Dessous, toward a plurality of the erotic scene” Louise Mercadier | Compagnie des Corps Caverneux [Medika – Gallery Siva] (120 min)
Radionica umjetnice Louise Mercadier odvija se kroz 3 dana (u nedjelju u Medici, a 22.5. i 23.5. od 10:00 do 12:00 sati u Zagrebačkom plesnom centru) uz istraživačku podršku Pauline Boschiero.
“Les Dessous, toward a plurality of the erotic scene” je umjetnički, znanstveni, queer i utopijski laboratorij / istraživanje na temu erotike koji teži jednakosti i različitosti reprezentacija erotskih slika. Sudionici su pozvani kroz crtež prikazati kartografiju suvremenog erotskog krajolika, i osloboditi se heteronormativne prizme.

Louise Mercadier je cirkuska umjetnica na žici, obrazovana u školama cirkuske umjetnosti u Lyonu i Toulouseu (Ésacto’Lido). Louise istražuje erotiku kroz radove: Bête, besmrtni i nevini cirkuski duet; Tenir, kratki solo na žici; te istraživački projekt Les Dessous.

• 14:00 – 17:00 RADIONICA: Izrada transparenata za Zagreb Pride [Medika – Dvorište] (180min)

Radionica izrade natpisa za Pride otvorena je svim pojedincima koji žele izraziti svoju podršku LGBTQ+ zajednici. Sudionici stvaraju svoje transparente koristeći različite materijale poput kartona, boje, markera i šljokica. Rezultat je kolekcija transparenata koji pokazuju različitost i jedinstvo LGBTQ+ zajednice, spremni da budu uzdignuti tijekom marša. Radionica nije tu samo zbog stvaranja transparenata, već i jačanja osjećaja zajedništva i aktivizma, kako bi se zajednički glas, u zahtjevima jednakih prava za sve, jasno i glasno čuo.

• 18:00 – 19:00 RAD U NASTAJANJU – Allay DANS’ [Medika – Flimsky Studio] (60min)
“Grupa je projekt i projekt je grupa” (Djoshua et al, 2023.)
U okviru projekta Allay DANS, QTBIPOC (Queer Trans Black Indigenous People of Color)
zajednice mogu (ponovno) izmisliti svoje rituale kako bi se (ponovno) povezali sa svojim tijelima, precima i prostorom oko njih.
Allay DANS’ se bavi unutarnjim sukobom, približava se iscjeljenju i vodi do Aghlane.
*Rad u nastajanju sadrži djelomičnu golotinju.

Spajajući živu glazbu, ples, tekst (osobnih priča) i slikanje, Allay DANS’ se bavi unutarnjim sukobom, približava se iscjeljenju i vodi do Aghlane. Allay DANS’ donosi održivi pristup svom umjetničkom radu i želi stvoriti jači umjetnički utjecaj na neizbježnu društvenu promjenu. Jedan od dijelova promjene je i želja da antirasističke i antikolonijalističke perspektive u kulturi sjećanja ili u kulturi održivosti postanu vidljivije.
* Rad u nastajanju sadrži djelomičnu golotinju.

• 19:30 – 21:00 QUEER SLAM POETRY OPEN MIC “Sapfin slam” [Medika – Info Shop] (90min)

Šarenim, višeslojnim i autentičnim stihovima pružimo queer iskustvu pozornicu kakvu zaslužuje. Pozivamo sve ljude koji su dio LGBTQIA+ zajednice, kako početnike/ce tako i etablirane pjesnikinje i pjesnike, da preuzmu mikrofon i podijele svoje tekstove u sigurnom okruženju. Želimo čuti sve, od osobnih ljubavi i životnih priča, smiješnih anegdota iz svakodnevnog života, do drobljenja heteronormativne stvarnosti. Teme su potpuno otvorene i prepuštene vama na izbor. Poslušajmo skupa što znači biti queer! Prijavi se na: domino.artprojekt@gmail.com

• 21:30 – 22:00 RAD U NASTAJANJU: “Radio Drama” Neven | Collectif des Arques
Radio Drama je solo performans fizičkog teatra i zvuka u izvedbi Nevena Gauthiera.
Radi se o vizualnom prikazu glasovnih frekvencija u našim glavama kojim Neven nastoji dati prostor glasovima rodnih manjima.
“Mikrofon postavljen u njegovu glavu, okrenut prema publici. U njegovu je umu tisuće trajno povezanih radija: sumnja, anksioznost, osuda, žudnja, želja, oklijevanje, ali također i ljubav, nježnost, sreća, smijeh, pjesma…U njegovoj glavi ili u našoj?
Dobrodošli u Radio Dramu, vizualni prikaz glasovnih frekvencija u našim glavama!”
• 22:00 – 02:00 PARTY: vitamin Disco [Medika – Klub Attack] | Upad: 5€
Vitamin Disco je audio-vizualno-emotivni spektakl disko zabave koja se oslanja na dekadentno naslijeđe njujorških underground klubova 70ih ispresijecana sa bljeskovima EX YU Disko Funka. Ovog puta udružuju snagu s Queer Zagrebom – festivalom koji ove godine slavi queer art u spoju s glazbom i FAKI festivalom – festivalom alternativnog kazališnog izričaju koji je ovogodišnje izdanje posvetio temi radical love. Queer Zagreb zatvaraju, a FAKI otvaraju – očekujte dakle puno disca i još više radikalne (queer) ljubavi.
DRESS CODE: standardne trapezice, šljokice, perike, životinjski uzorci i gola tijela, poželjne sve vrste perja, duginih boja i drag inspired rekvizita, free upad za krila u duginim bojama u znak respecta za poštivanje FAKI teme (radical love!) i Queer Zagreba, free upad + cuga za Kupidov kostim u queer izdanju


Two festivals join forces in the all-day QUEER ZAGREB closing / FAKI opening program! 💞

FAKI – the Festival of Alternative Theatrical Expression and the Queer Zagreb season, the main festival of the Domino association, join forces this year and bring workshops, performances, slam poetry open mic and a final closing / opening party with vitamin Disco at AKC Medika (Pierottijeva 13). 🪅
Admission to all events is free, with the exception of the vitamin Disco party (admission: €5).

• 10:00 – 12:00 WORKSHOP: “Les Dessous, towards a plurality of the erotic scene” Louise Mercadier | Compagnie des Corps Caverneux [Medika – Gallery Siva]
• 14:00 – 17:00 WORKSHOP: “Making banners for Pride” [Medika – Dvorište]
• 18:00 – 19:00 WORK IN PROGRESS: “Allay DANS’” Allay DANS’ [Medika – Flimsky Studio]
• 19:30 – 21:00 QUEER SLAM POETRY OPEN MIC: “Sappho’s Slam” [Medika – Info Shop]
• 21:30 – 22:00 WORK IN PROGRESS: “Radio Drama” Neven | Collectif des Arques

• 22:00 – 02:00 PARTY: vitamin Disco [Medika – Klub Attack] | Admission: €5

FAKI festival has chosen radical love for this year’s theme, so it is not surprising that they are joining forces with the 21st Queer Zagreb season, the central festival of the Domino association, which has been celebrating queer art for over two decades, and this year is looking for intersections of queer art and music. Together, they are preparing a big celebration day in cooperation with AKC Attack, Zagreb Pride and numerous FAKI festival artists. Bring all your glitter and lots of love, forget about Monday and spend a colorful artistic and workshopy party Sunday in Medika!

The FAKI festival will last until May 28, take a look at their program here 👉 attack.hr/faki26/ // fb.me/e/15bxtV7z8

Check out Queer Zagreb Season’s (12-21 May) program here 👉 www.thisisadominoproject.org

• 10:00 – 12:00 WORKSHOP: “Les Dessous, towards a plurality of the erotic scene” Louise Mercadier | Compagnie des Corps Caverneux [Medika – Gallery Siva]

The workshop of the artist Louise Mercadier takes place over 3 days (on Sunday in Medika – Gallery Siva, 22nd May and 23rd May from 10AM to 12PM at the Zagreb Dance Center) with the research support of Pauline Boschiero.
“Les Dessous, toward a plurality of the erotic scene” is an artistic, scientific, queer and utopian laboratory / research on the topic of eroticism that strives for equality and diversity of representations of erotic images. The participants are invited to show the cartography of the contemporary erotic landscape through drawing, but also to free themselves from the heteronormative prism.

• 14:00 – 17:00 WORKSHOP: “Pride march transparent making” Pride Zagreb [Medika – Dvorište] (180 min)

The Pride Sign Making Workshop is open to all individuals who wish to express their support for the LGBTQ+ community. Participants create their protest tranparents using different materials such as cardboard, paint, markers and glitter. The result is a collection of transparents that showcase the diversity and unity of the LGBTQ+ community, ready to be held up during the Pride march. The workshop is not only there to create transparents, but also to create a sense of community and activism, where people come together to make their voices heard and loud in demanding equal rights for all.

• 18:00 – 19:00 WORK IN PROGRESS: “Allay DANS’”Allay DANS’ [Medika – Flimsky Studio] (60min)
“The group is the project and the project is the group” (Djoshua et al, 2023)

Blending together live music, dance, text (of personal stories) and painting, the Allay DANS’ deals with inner conflict, gets closer to healing and leads to Aghlane. The Allay DANS’ brings a sustainable approach to their artistic work and expects an impact on the worldwide social change that needs to happen. One of their expected outcomes is to allow their anti-racist and anti-colonialist perspectives in the culture of remembrance or in the culture of sustainability to become more visible.
* The Allay DANS’ work in progress contains partial nudity.

• 19:30 – 21:00 QUEER SLAM POETRY OPEN MIC: “Sappho’s Slam” [Medika – Info Shop] (90 min)

With an evening full of verses, colorful and multifaceted with true authenticity, we want to give queer life the stage it deserves. We invite all people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community to take the mic and share their self-written texts in a safe environment. We want to hear it all, from personal love and life stories, funny anecdotes of your daily life, to the crushing reality of life in heteronormativity. The topic is up to you! Whether you are a beginner or an established poet, the stage is all yours for you and your stories. Let’s hear what it means to be queer! Apply via e-mail: domino.artprojekt@gmail.com

• 21:30 – 22:00 WORK IN PROGRESS: “Radio Drama” Neven | Collectif des Arques
Radio Drama is a solo performance of physical theater and sound performed by Neven Gauthier. It is a visual representation of the voice frequencies in our heads, with which Neven tries to give space to the voices of his relatives.
“A microphone planted in the head, someone is on a set, facing an audience. In his brain as in ours, there are a thousand radios permanently connected: doubts, anxieties, judgments, desires, appetites, procrastination… but also love, tenderness, happiness, laughter, song… Here you are on Radio Drama, the visualization of the frequencies of the voices in our heads.”

*The Work in Progress contains partial nudity.

• 22:00 – 02:00 PARTY: vitamin Disco [Medika – Klub Attack] | Admission: €5
Vitamin Disco is an audio-visual-emotional spectacle of disco entertainment that relies on the decadent heritage of New York’s underground clubs in the 70s, flashed with EX YU Disco Funk. This time they are joining forces with Queer Zagreb – a festival that this year celebrates queer art and music and FAKI festival – a festival of alternative theatrical expression that dedicated this year’s edition to the theme of radical love. Queer Zagreb is closing, and FAKI is opening – so expect a lot of disco and even more radical (queer) love.
DRESS CODE: standard trapezes, sequins, wigs, animal patterns and naked bodies, all kinds of feathers, rainbow colors and drag inspired props are welcome, free entry for rainbow colored wings as a sign of respect for FAKI’s theme (radical love!) and Queer Zagreb, free entry + drink for a queer edition of Cupid’s costume
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