petak 17.5.2019.
18 – 20 h
Referendum, represija, politički zatvorenici…
Što motivira stanovnike Katalonije na pokretanje procesa samoodređenja?
Je li u pitanju lijevi ili desni pokret? Dolazi li od vlasti ili od naroda?
O trenutačnoj situaciji u Kataloniji, referendumu, samoodređenju i nizu drugih pitanja, razgovaramo ovog petka sa aktivisticom Soniom Carbó Molvensa iz Katalonije.
Sonia je prije petnaest godina počela sudjelovati u političkom pokretu Esquerra independentista (EI – Nezavisni lijevi), koji zagovara izgradnju nezavisnih, socijalističkih i feminističkih katalonskih okruga. Trenutačno institucionalnu reprezentaciju EI nosi Popularna unija, CUP (Candidatura d’Unitat Popular).
Iako zadnjih godina nije živjela u Kataloniji, učestvovala je na referendumu koji se odvio 1.10.2018. i događajima koji su uslijedili.
Referendum, repression, political prisoners…
What motives drive people living in Catalonia to a process of self-determination? Is it a left-wing movement right-wing movement? Comes from the government or the people?
If you are interested in knowing the current situation in Catalonia, get to know the point of view of an activist from there and debate the possibilities of the self-determination process, join us, we are waiting for you!
Sonia Carbó Molven began his militancy 15 years ago, taking part of several organizations to the Esquerra Independentista (EI). This is a political movement that advocates the construction of independent, socialist and feminist Catalan Countries. Currently the CUP (Candidatura d’Unitat Popular) is the institutional representation of the EI. Although Sonia has lived outside of Catalonia during the last years, she participated in the referendum that took place in Catalonia on October 1 and in subsequent events.