Sun// Ned, 10.November 2019, 20:00
DZIU Medika @ Akc Medika
Pierottijeva 11, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Free admission // Ulaz slobodan
Autorski projekt LEE SEKULIĆ
-naziv za naknadni slikarev ispravak na već dijelom dovršenom umjetničkom djelu
-tal. ”pokajati se”
Što nam je potrebno da bismo bili zadovoljni sa sobom? Za potpuni užitak postojanja?
Snaga našeg unutarnjeg svijeta i autentičnost.
Ovo je igra maski skrivenih u jezgri našeg karaktera. Igra pokreta, priča koja je razumljiva svima i istovremeno otvorena za interpretacije.
Igra svjetla i tame, dobra i zla koji često nisu kontradiktorni.
Igra duše i tijela. Ega i srca. Stvarnosti i snova. Igra boja koje predstavljaju našu energiju.
Igra slobode..od samoga sebe.
”Pentimento” je diplomska predstava u formi neverbalnog teatra inspirirana djelom belgijskog slikara Jamesa Ensora (1860-1949).
Kroz mješavinu pokreta i plesa, slikarstva i glazbe, istražuje egzistencijalnu temu čovjekove borbe sa samim sobom. Ovaj nadrealistički komad bavi se prikazivanjem društva (najčešća Ensorova tema) kroz igru s maskama, ali najviše čovjekovim pronalaskom ”mjesta pod suncem” , vlastite svrhe i povezanosti s dušom.
Vrijeme i mjesto priče nisu definirani stoga je ona bezvremenska; vječno u sadašnjem trenutku, svuda oko nas.
Predstava govori (o) svima nama koji se bore s unutarnjom tamom i traže njene obrise. “Pentimento” je priča o životu i oblikovanju istog, podijeljena u činove sedam smrtnih grijeha koji su Ensorov čest motiv.
Oživljavajući svaki grijeh pojedinačno, akter gubi samog sebe u vlastitim refleksijama; misleći da je nadomak cilja alijenira se sve više i više.
Glazbeni aranžman kreiran je specifično za ovu predstavu kroz interpretaciju postojećih djela te nekolicinu autorskih, s potpisom DJ-a i producenta Danijela Marića.
SubScena za kazalište, izvedbene umjetnosti i ostale hibride neprofitni je projekt kojeg u partnerstvu provode AKC Attack i Cirkorama unutar Autonomnog kulturnog centra Medika, a s ciljem afirmiranja i povezivanja avangardnih i eksperimentalnih izvedbenih umjetnika/ca iz Hrvatske, regije i svijeta, neovisno o žanru, stilu i razdoblju kojem pripadaju. SubScena potiče svaki umjetnički opravdan, radikalan ili suptilan postupak stvaranja izvedbe te razvija i promovira eksperimentalne strategije za aktiviranje nove publike i uspostavljanje suvremenog umjetničkog diskursa. Projekt financijski podržavaju Grad Zagreb, Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske, te Zaklada Kultura Nova i Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva koje podržavaju rad AKC Attack i Cirkorame.
»Pentimento« is an one-actor theater play inspired by the work of a Belgian painter James Ensor.
Completely made in the form of a non-verbal theater, it is a combination of movement, mime, dance and mask work through painting and surrealism.
It explores the theme of man´s conflict with himself and finding his authentic path. A man´s connection to s his soul .
Time and place of a story are unknown. Therefore, they are always. Everywhere. And right now.
Talking about all of us and to all of us, to every person individually who fights their inner darkness and what they think they should be, this is a story of life and our creation in it.
All this is pervaded through the story of the 7 deadly sins, common Ensor´s theme. By reviving each sin individually, representing man´s hidden impulses and desires, he loses himself in his own reflection and, thinking that he is getting closer to his goal, he alienates from himself more and more.
This play includes light changes and is covered with music, of which some are original tracks made for this show ( by dj and producer Danijel Marić).
What do we need to be happy with ourselves? To fully enjoy our being?
The power of our inner world and authenticity are the answers to these questions.
This is a play of masks that are hidden in the core of our character. The play of movement, which tells a story understandable to everyone but comprehend in many ways. The game of darkness and light, good and evil, which are often not contradictory.
The play of soul and body. Ego and Heart. Reality and Dream. Play of colors that represent our divine energy that lift us to the sky.
The play of freedom…from yourself.
SubScena for theatrical, performance and hybrid art is a non-profit partner project by Autonomous Cultural Center Attack and Cirkorama realized at AKC Medika (Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb, CRO), aiming to affirm and interconnect avantgarde and experimental Croatian/regional/international artists regardless of their art’s genres, styles or periods. SubScena incites any artistically meaningful – both radical or subtle performance creation process, while developing and promoting experimental public development strategies and the establishment of a contemporary artistic discourse. The project is financially supported by the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, as well as Kultura Nova Foundation and the National Foundation for Civil Society Development supporting the work of AKC Attack and Cirkorama.
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